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Ceiling fans have existed since the start of the twentieth century. These come in helpful on those hot New Jersey days when you need to cool off quickly.

Ceiling fans are more involved than a few moving blades. If you’re not attentive, your home ceiling fans cost you more energy and less cooling. Learn more about your energy use by reading Union City HVAC & Heating six mind-boggling facts about ceiling fans.

Do ceiling fans help cool your home?Ceiling fans, right? They’re supposed to keep your house cool on the hottest days.
Kind of. Although ceiling fans certainly assist in cooling your house, there are other variables to consider when selecting a new home ceiling fan, including a couple that may surprise you.

1. Ceiling Fans Heat Rooms
We know, it’s shocking. It seems odd that a ceiling fan would leave your room feeling hotter than before you turned it on. This is due to the electric motor. Since electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy, heat accumulates in a space.
Being conscious of your fan use is vital for preventing overheating in your room—and it also helps with your power cost. Please turn off your fan when you’re not using it to save energy and money.

2. Lower Speed Is More Efficient
Operating your fan at maximum speed may seem appealing, mainly when scorching outdoors. A faster speed, on the other hand, is less efficient than a lower speed.
Low and medium speeds use less energy than high speeds, allowing you to stay calm and comfortable while saving money on your power bill. See the efficacy label for advice on maximizing the CFM of your ceiling fan.

3. When It Comes to Fans, Bigger Is Better
Go big or go home, as the saying goes. Smaller fans must typically operate at a greater speed to cool a room. More giant fans with longer blades will consume significantly less energy than a tiny ceiling fan with short swords.

Get a fan with a high-efficiency rating, operate it at a moderate speed, and switch it off when not in use for the optimum cooling benefits. Do you have a question regarding ceiling fans? Our experts can assist you in determining the finest fan for you.

4. Fans With Longer Blades Improve Airflow
Are you seeking a softer, more pleasant airflow? Buy a fan with longer blades. Longer-blade ceiling fans are ideal for bigger spaces since they can spread airflow twice as far as shorter ones.

Ceiling fans with longer blades offer higher efficacies than tiny, short-bladed fans. Our conditioning professionals are pleased to assist you in purchasing your next ceiling fan.

5. Home Ceiling Fans Can Lower Your Energy Bill
Who doesn’t desire a cheaper energy bill? Turning on your ceiling fan while in the same room helps you raise your thermostat, resulting in less energy and cheaper expenses.
Just raise your thermostat when in the same room as your ceiling fan—but remember to turn it off while not in the room it’s in. Allowing your ceiling fan to spin on its own might cause your energy expenses to rise.

6.Energy Efficient Models Are More Efficient
Nowadays, everyone is talking about energy efficiency. An Energy Star-certified ceiling fan is 60% more efficient than a ceiling fan and surpasses US Environmental Protection Agency’s energy efficiency standards.

Are you ready to go on an energy-saving journey? To explore your ceiling fan alternatives, please get in touch with our conditioning specialists at Union City HVAC & Heating.

Your Trusted Cooling Experts at Union City HVAC & HeatingUnion City HVAC & Heating’s conditioning professionals are ready to assist, whether you’re remodeling or trying to save money on energy expenses. Our crew has the essential skills and knowledge to keep your costs low and your comfort high. With 24-hour emergency services, there’s no excuse not to rely on your experienced HVAC professionals. Schedule a service now and say hello to the peace you’ve sought.

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