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Union City HVAC Services BLOG

Why is My AC Running Continuously?

Think about how hot it is outside as you walk into your house on a hot day. First, you should sit back on your couch and enjoy the cool breeze that your air conditioner is sending through the house. On the other hand, you’ve noticed that your air conditioner isn’t turning on and off like it usually does.

​Instead, your air conditioner works all the time, without stopping. You can also see that the temperature of the air inside doesn’t seem to be changing, even though the thermostat is reading low. Your energy costs seem to be going up as well. You’re pretty sure something is wrong, but you don’t know what it is or why your air conditioner won’t turn off. So, why does this kind of thing happen?

Why Does My AC Keep Running?

​A lot of homes have to deal with the problem of an air conditioner that runs all the time. Several things could cause this to happen to your air conditioner. It is a problem, but it could be fixed if it is dealt with by skilled HVAC technicians. Union City HVAC & Heating is the place to call in New Jersey if you need a professional to help you fix your air conditioner. Then why does your air conditioner keep running all the time? Here are the reasons why:1. Your air conditioner’s evaporator coil is dirty.

Since your air conditioner hasn’t been serviced in a long time, the evaporator coil may be full of dirt and other debris. Even if you just had the unit serviced, the evaporator coil could still be dirty or have debris on it. This could be the case if it is in a place where a lot of dirt tends to gather, like next to a busy restaurant kitchen.

2. Your air conditioner’s air filter is clogged.

If your air conditioner’s air filter is full of dirt and other particles, it could get clogged. When something like this happens, it’s possible that the flow of air will be blocked, which could make your air conditioner keep running.

3. The thermostat doesn’t work right.

Your thermostat could also be broken, which would explain why your air conditioner is always running. If there is a problem with your thermostat, the air conditioner might not know when to turn it off, even though the ideal temperature has been reached. If you want to know if your thermostat is broken or not, all you have to do is see if the temperature inside is lower than what you set it to be. If this is the case, you probably need to change the thermostat in your home.

4. There are a lot of leaks in the ducts.

Leaky ducts could also be to blame for the air conditioner being used all the time. If your building’s ductwork is very old, you may have problems with ducts that leak. Due to the leaks in the ducts, it’s possible that cold air from inside could be lost. If this cold air keeps getting out through the leaks, the temperature inside your home will never reach the set point, so your air conditioner will keep running.

5. An AC unit that is too big or too small.

If your air conditioner seems to be running all the time, it could be because the unit is the wrong size. This could happen if you just changed the layout of your house or did some remodeling without also changing your air conditioner. If this happened, your air conditioner might not be able to meet the needs of your house to the fullest, so it would have to keep running. To cool off the newly remodeled room, you must get an air conditioner that is the right size. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) expert may be able to help you do the necessary calculations and figure out the best size of air conditioner for your newly built home.

5 Issues With Dirty AC Filters

Blocked Condenser Drain

The condensate drain is where moisture from your Atlanta air conditioner, like condensation and other types of moisture, goes to get rid of itself. If the filter is dirty or not there, this drain won’t work right. This makes your home overall more humid, which lets mold and mildew growth.

Warm Air

Inside your air conditioner, there are condenser coils that are filled with Freon. With these coils, your unit cools the air, which is then pumped through your house. Because of how they work, these tubes always have condensation on them. Without a filter, dust and other things blow across these coils and get stuck, which makes them stop working right.

Issues With AC Motor

The main thing that goes wrong with both the motor and the compressor is that dirt builds up in them. Your filter should keep dirt, pet hair, and other small things from getting to these parts of your system. If your filter doesn’t do this or isn’t in the right spot, the motor and compressor get dirty and stop working.

More Air Pollution

Filters don’t just keep your air conditioner safe; they also keep you safe by cleaning the air in your home. When they aren’t doing their job, you breathe in more particles and find it harder to breathe.

Increased Power Bill

An HVAC service in Atlanta will tell you that if your HVAC system has to work hard because the filter is dirty or there isn’t one, your energy bills will go through the roof. This happens when there is no filter and dirt builds up. Protect your home and your money by keeping your filters clean and in place.

Need an air conditioner put in or help with your filters in Atlanta? Union City HVAC & Heating works in Union City, New Jersey, and other nearby cities on heating, cooling, and ventilation. Contact us if you want to set up a service.

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