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Can I Leave My Mini Split AC On All the Time?

A mini-split system will be completely different from anything you’ve ever seen if you’re used to conventional centralized heating and cooling systems. It’s important to understand the key differences between utilization and energy efficiency, especially given the variety of today’s options.
How Ductless Mini Split Systems Can Save You Money

The savings offered by ductless mini-split systems are probably one of the main factors you are thinking about making the move. Depending on the size of your home, the efficiency of the unit, and local labor rates, installation prices, including materials and labor, range from $2000 to $14,500. A typical system can cost up to $15,000 for installation and materials, with a minimum cost of roughly $5000.

Energy utilization is another cost-cutting issue. As a result of being far more efficient than their conventional counterparts, ductless mini-split systems often use less energy, which lowers expenses and reduces emissions into the environment. The absence of ducts is primarily to blame for this efficiency. More than 30% of the energy used in a conventional system is consumed by ducts. However, ductless mini-splits decrease air loss and increase efficiency because they have a direct connection between the inside and exterior units. That has a significant impact on the overall cost of ductless heating and cooling systems. Because they can cool or warm your home, heat pumps are frequently preferred. The mini-split uses the outside air to produce either hot or cold air instead of producing heat like a typical system would.

How to Operate a Mini Split AC

In contrast to conventional, ducted systems, you should always leave your micro split system on to maximize its energy efficiency and lifespan. Due to the lengthy startup durations of these systems, allowing it to cycle on and off might be expensive. It takes more energy to turn them on and off than to let them run. It will be more prone to freezing if the heat pump small split system is left off. This is due to the fact that the indoor unit won’t be able to draw heat from the outdoor unit, making it extremely cold. Frost buildup can seriously harm both the interior and outdoor units of a mini-split if it stops operating or alternates between on and off states. It can also lower efficiency.

The easiest method to guarantee your mini-split offers optimal energy efficiency is to maintain inside temperatures reasonable throughout the year, like with any heating and cooling system. This entails maintaining your home at 68 degrees or lower in the winter and 78 degrees or higher in the summer. Anything outside of this band may be wasteful and expensive. 

Finally, be mindful of the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) of the appliance you have selected. Your system will be more affordable and efficient the higher the SEER score. A SEER 16 rating on one of our single-zone mini-split systems is a fantastic choice. To maximize your investment, search for multi-zone systems with a SEER rating of 18 or higher. The Gree Vireo Gen 3 Kit, which has a SEER 26 rating, is the best value if you’re on a tight budget. 

Why Mini Splits are Excellent Heating & Cooling Options

Ductless micro splits are a fantastic alternative for heating and cooling since they deliver excellent indoor air quality in addition to being economical and efficient. Since the inside and outdoor units are directly connected, there is no chance of air leakage or additional dust infiltration into your home. These systems’ programmable fan speeds and dry-mode capability provide more precise temperature control than conventional HVAC systems. The settings can be changed to accommodate your needs for comfort without reducing energy efficiency over the course of the day.

Modern mini-split technology gives you more customizing options than ever before. For instance, our Boreal DIY-capable mini-split systems enable you use an app on your smartphone or tablet to adjust the temperature in any room of your house. The mini-split system has many benefits, one of which is its simplicity of installation. These systems are perfect for any location, whether it be a one room apartment or numerous rooms distributed over several storeys. All you need is an outside unit, an inside unit, and some tubing to join them together.


Overall, ductless mini splits are great choices for offering cost-effective heating and cooling solutions. And now is the ideal moment to make the switch from a conventional HVAC system because their energy-efficiency ratings continue to rise each year.

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